FIRE IN THE NIGHT - Night Watch, Sat eve - Sun morning. For info or to sign up for a time slot contact: Brian Bergen bergenster@gmail.com
FIRE in the night - where there is darkness...let there BE LIGHT! This is a time to pray and seek his face - The God of Jacob! A time to receive his favor and a time to release his favor over our town. With more to offer then the vices and idols of this world, this is a time to rise up as a Peculiar people a Royal priest hood a holy nation and stand where there is a gap in Niverville and beyond! This is a time to burn brightly and contend in the Truth of the Life and Love of Jesus Christ (from Nazareth), who has a greater anointing to offer then the world does. This is a time to be set apart for HIM..For his LIFE in us to be seen !! Let us seek the Lord God who IS ALL MIGHTY and willing that none should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of him!Hallelujah! Let God Arise! Let there be LIGHT!
"2 or more" format: We are only opening up FIRE IN THE NIGHT hours of prayer once there are 2 or more committed on the Calendar to any given space of time. This is in order to provide a safe place for those ministering and those being ministered to as it may happen. So whenever two males or two females have signed up their names for the same time slot that time slot will be officially opened up...and then anyone can sign up or just drop in.
PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS - First Monday of the month. Contact nivervilleprayer@gmail.com
We are a group of people that meet once a month to pray for Israel, Canada and other nations that God has laid on our hearts. If you want to pray for a certain country but have nobody to pray with, please come and join us! You can also bring us your prayer requests and we'll pray for them together.
PRAYER FOR OUR COMMUNITY - Every Tuesday (8-9am) . Contact: nivervilleprayer@gmail.com Prayer for our town, unity of the body of Chirts and revival!
MOTHERS WHO CARE - Thursdays 2:30pm Contact: Ellen Byggdin byggdin@mts.net
Mothers who care is a national initiative with over 6000 mothers gathering to pray for 2007 schools across Canada. We pray for our local elementary and high schools, their students, teachers and administrators.
CHRISTIAN ARTIST PRAYER GROUP - Last Tuesday of the month (10am). Contact Kristina Dueck rkd@mts.net or 388-5121.
We are a group of people that want to use our creativity for Gods kingdom whether we call ourselves artists or artists to be. We pray for and encourage each other and also want to pray for you if you would like prayer but can't personally come to our meetings. *Meeting in homes...please contact Kristina for meeting location.
YOUTH FOR CHRIST NIVERVILLE - Tuesdays 2:30pm. Contact nivervilleprayer@gmail.com
A group that gathers to pray for our community youth and the Niverville Youth for Christ Drop-In Centre. *Meetings take place in the common room at Niverville Place (205 1st Street S.)